# Example Job Bodies

This section provides examples of job bodies for different use cases.

# CBCT Segmentation

# Single 3D mesh of segmented bone

Generates a single mesh file with segmentation of mandible, skull and all teeth.

    "inputFiles": {
        "cbct": {
            "extension": ".dcm"
    "outputFiles": {
        "meshes": [
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["mandible", "skull", "all_teeth"]


Segmented bone structures
Segmented bone structures

# Separate meshes: mandible, mandibular canals, individual teeth

Generates separate mesh files for the mandible, left and right mandibular canals and for each individual permanent tooth. Note that it is possible to also add all deciduous teeth.

    "inputFiles": {
        "cbct": {
            "extension": ".dcm"
    "outputFiles": {
        "meshes": [
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["mandible"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["left_nerve"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["right_nerve"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth11"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth12"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth13"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth14"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth15"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth16"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth17"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth18"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth21"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth22"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth23"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth24"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth25"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth26"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth27"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth28"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth31"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth32"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth33"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth34"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth35"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth36"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth37"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth38"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth41"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth42"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth43"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth44"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth45"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth46"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth47"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["tooth48"]

Segmented mandible, mandibular canals, and individual teeth (separate meshes)
Segmented mandible, mandibular canals, and individual teeth (separate meshes)

# Separate DICOM slices as input file

Generates a mesh for the left sinus, based on an input DICOM scan containing separate slices. These DICOM slices are zipped together and uploaded as a single (.zip) file.

    "inputFiles": {
        "cbct": {
            "extension": ".zip"
    "outputFiles": {
        "meshes": [
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["left_maxillary_sinus"]

# IOS Segmentation

# Lower crowns and gingiva

Generates a single mesh file with segmentation of all lower crowns, and a separate mesh file for the lower gingiva. Note that it is also possible to generate a separate mesh for each crown, similar to the example for CBCT segmentation.

    "inputFiles": {
        "ios_lower": {
            "extension": ".stl"
    "outputFiles": {
        "meshes": [
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["lower_crowns"]
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["lower_gingiva"]

Segmented lower crowns (combined in a single file)
Segmented lower crowns (combined in a single file)

# Closed crowns

Example of a single mesh for the automatically closed crown (at the root level) for tooth 47, in PLY format.

    "inputFiles": {
        "ios_lower": {
            "extension": ".stl"
    "outputFiles": {
        "meshes": [
                "extension": ".ply",
                "structures": ["closed_crown47"]

Automatically closed crown
Automatically closed crown

# Fusion

# Fusion of CBCT and a lower IOS scan

An example of automatically fused teeth: combined crowns from the segmented lower IOS with the roots from the segmented CBCT. Note that it is also possible to generate a separate mesh for each tooth, similar to the example for CBCT segmentation.

    "inputFiles": {
        "ios_lower": {
            "extension": ".stl"
        "cbct": {
            "extension": ".dcm"
    "outputFiles": {
        "meshes": [
                "extension": ".stl",
                "structures": ["lower_fused_teeth"]

Lower fused teeth
Lower fused teeth

# Registration

# Registration of a CBCT with IOS

An example of a registration job body, where the input files are a CBCT scan and two IOS scans (upper and lower). The output files are the registration matrices for the upper and lower jaws. Our input IOS scans are in PLY (.ply) format. By applying the registration matrices on the IOS scans, you will move / align them to the CBCT.

    "inputFiles": {
        "cbct": {
            "extension": ".dcm"
        "ios_upper": {
            "extension": ".ply"
        "ios_lower": {
            "extension": ".ply"
    "outputFiles": {
        "registration_matrix_upper": {
            "extension": ".json"
        "registration_matrix_lower": {
            "extension": ".json"