# Changelog

# v4.1.1 /latest

Released: 2024-07-05

  • New IOS modelling features, offering fine-grained shaping of the base with optional text engraving.
  • Improved computation of IOS landmarks (more accurate and robust).
  • Improved the segmentation of the dentition on CBCT, especially on supernumerary cases and cases with impacted teeth.
  • Support for uploading result files to Azure Blob Storage, by adding a mandatory header to the request.

More info about the benchmark can be found at the benchmark page

# Segmentations

Type Timing
Teeth segmentation 101.3s
Ios segmentation 50.7s
Nerve segmentation 45.7s
Mandible segmentation 70.9s
Skull segmentation 70.3s
Sinus segmentation 43.7s
Full virtual patient 194.8s
Full IOS 97.4s

# Algorithms

Type Timing
Panoramic arches 28.5s
Fusion 120.8s
Registration 64.9s
Bounding boxes 40.9s
Facial registration 54.8s
Closed crowns 66.6s
Cleaned IOS 89.7s
IOS landmarks 51.1s

# v4.0.0 /24.06

Released: 2024-06-28

  • The per-structure (mandible, dentition, etc.) options decimationFactor and smoothingFactor have been removed, and replaced by smoothingIterations and decimateMaxError. This is due to the switching to new meshing algorithms which provide better meshes, more efficiently and more accurately.
    • The smoothingIterations option controls the additional amount of smoothing to apply to the mesh. The default value of 0 for small structures (teeth, nerves, etc.) and 1 for big structures (skull, mandible, etc.) should give good and accurate results in most cases, but if more smoothness is desired, higher values can be used; we encourage you to explore what works best for you.
    • The decimateMaxError option determines the maximum allowed error (in millimeters) when decimating the mesh. The default value of 0.03 for small structures (teeth, nerves, etc.) and 0.1 for big structures (skull, mandible, etc.) should result in a decent mesh size reduction with very minimal accuracy loss, but larger and smaller values can be used if desired. Setting this to zero will disable decimation completely (maximizing accuracy, but potentially increasing the mesh size significantly).
  • The makeManifold option for CBCT structures (cleaning the mesh and making it watertight) has now been removed. Almost all meshes will be manifold by default now, but if you want to be 100% sure that your meshes are manifold, you should set the smoothingIterations to 0.
  • The deprecated routes /implant-job, /cmf-job, /orthodontics-job , and /segmentation-job have been removed; please use /job (equivalent to /generic-job).
  • The /generic-job route will be deprecated in favor of the /job route. Both routes have exactly the same functionality, the goal is to simplify the naming.
  • The success status of the job has been updated; it will now only be false only if all output files failed. If at least one output file succeeded, the job success will be marked as true. Note that it is still possible to check the status of each output file individually (see the section on handling job errors).
  • /webhookJobResults will be deprecated in favor of /pollJobResults.
  • The capSize option under options.dicom is now false by default. By default, DICOM files will thus be processed in their original resolution, regardless of how big they are.
  • The individualRegistrationFusion option is now false by default. It makes for more accurate results.
  • The externalJobId field in the job body is now marked as deprecated and will be completely removed in the next release. We recommend leaving this field empty and instead relying on the unique identifier generated by the Engine.
  • New ios_landmarks_upper and ios_landmarks_lower output files, returning a JSON with the automatically computed landmarks (mesial-distal points, long axis, etc.) of the intra-oral scan.

  • New cleaned_ios_upper and cleaned_ios_lower output files, returning the intra-oral scan with an added base and with rough edges removed.

  • Added the option to automatically generate a gingiva with added base and/or closed emergent profile. These can be requested using addBase and closeProfile under the newly added gingivaOptions.

  • Added the outputs ios_local_orientation_upper and ios_local_orientation_lower, which allow to automatically detect the orientation of the IOS, which allows to ensure that it always faces the user.

  • Added new variations to the segmented gingiva meshes, which match better when displayed in combination with fused teeth or closed IOS crowns. Available through the new mesh structures: upper_fused_teeth_gingiva, lower_fused_teeth_gingiva, upper_closed_crown_gingiva and lower_closed_crown_gingiva.

  • Fused teeth meshes can now be decimated and smoothed.

  • New keepPatientId option for the dicom output file, which will preserve the patient ID in the DICOM tags.

  • Greatly improved automated fusion of CBCT roots with IOS crowns. There is now a smoother transition between the IOS crown and CBCT root and better closing of the crown in the interproximal region. Moreover, the overall robustness and speed is improved.

  • Greatly improved AI segmentation of IOS dentition. It is now faster (~1.6x speedup) with improved accuracy and robustness (less under-segmentation and better outlining of the tooth border).

  • Greatly improved AI segmentation of (CB)CT dentition, especially on harder cases like the one shown below. Overall, there is a better separation of teeth in crowding scenarios, better classification and detection of teeth, and improved robustness and accuracy. Moreover, the speed got improved (~1.7x speedup).

  • Improved automated closing of IOS crowns. It is now almost 10x faster, has a smoother transition, and is more robust.

  • Improved AI segmentation of (CB)CT skull and mandibular canals.

  • Improved documentation.

  • ZIP output has been made more robust, allowing it to still return partial results if one of the outputs inside the ZIP fails.
  • More robust handling of sliced DICOM files with missing position and instanceNumber tags.
  • More robust handling of DICOM files with empty group tags.
  • More robust IOS to CBCT registration.

More info about the benchmark can be found at the benchmark page

# Segmentations

Type Timing
Teeth segmentation 68.0s
Ios segmentation 86.0s
Airway segmentation 37.6s
Nerve segmentation 45.2s
Mandible segmentation 70.1s
Maxilla segmentation 80.5s
Skull segmentation 74.2s
Sinus segmentation 39.3s
Full virtual patient 190.8s

# Algorithms

Type Timing
Panoramic arches 21.1s
Fusion 120.2s
Registration (2 jaws) 45.4s
Bounding boxes 30.3s
Facial registration 60.6s

# v3.13.0 /v2

Released: 2024-02-23

No older version to compare to, checkout version 24.06 for the latest changes available.

More info about the benchmark can be found at the benchmark page

# Segmentations

Type Timing
Teeth segmentation 116.7s
Ios segmentation 136.9s
Airway segmentation 61.5s
Nerve segmentation 38.7s
Mandible segmentation 77.1s
Maxilla segmentation 87.3s
Skull segmentation 99.5s
Sinus segmentation 39.1s
Full virtual patient 248.3s

# Algorithms

Type Timing
Panoramic arches 21.4s
Fusion 191.6s
Registration (2 jaws) 42.5s
Bounding boxes 31.3s
Facial registration 50.1s