# Selecting region and version

There are multiple deployments of the Relu® Hosted Engine. Each deployment is accessible through a unique URL.

  1. Region: the geographical region where Relu hosts the Engine and processes your data. You should use the one that corresponds to your users in order to respect GDPR and HIPAA regulations. The Engine itself is HIPAA and GDPR compliant.
    • eu -> Europe
    • us -> United States
  2. Version: multiple “major” versions of the Engine are deployed. This allows you to move to the next version at your own pace, after having done proper testing. We advise to use the latest available stable version. The current versions are:
    • 24.06 -> latest stable version; we recommend using this version in production
    • v2 → previous stable version; please upgrade to the latest stable version
    • latest → will always contain the latest “development” version; ⚠️ do not use this in your production environment as it can be unstable and be updated frequently. Please refer to the changelog for more information on the versions.

The corresponding Engine is available at the URL https://<region>.virtualpatientengine.com/<version>.